Started by nico13, May 09, 2007, 06:25:40 AM

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No Thanks Tcobretti,

The reason why I was interested in the easyvibe it's because I would build it. And my microamp was my beginner project in order to know how hard it could be to build the Easyvibe.

Of course the neovibe sounds much better than the easyvibe (I've read and listen to basicaudio's comparison thread) but I'm not ready for such a big build and I don't want to spend days trying to debug.


Quote from: nico13 on May 10, 2007, 08:40:42 PM
So if you're lucky you can get a chicken salad with a good univibe sound if you're not you have a only a good phaser?
Plus the fact that this unit is pastic made and have cheap trimpots as knobs !!

Conclusion: Better build an easyvibe.

If the Chick/Sld was NOT all surface mount, then you could mod away and change it, but as it is
and the plastic case/crap jacks etc .... better off with something else ( Mayer voodoo vibe Jr ) or
build your own.
P-45 with the univibe mods is not a bad suggestion, i like that a lot !
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I've found one of your post from October 13th 2005 where you were saying this about the Dano Chicken Salad:
So why do we call the "vibrato" arm on a guitar a "tremolo arm" ? that always
puzzles me !
Vibrato = "pitch" modulation

Tremolo = "Amplitude" or "Volume" modulation

You bend a string up/down its vibrato, you pull it tighter/slacker its vibrato.

Anyway, just thought that I'd mention all that and say that I just picked up a cheap
"Dano" Chicken Salad Vibrato and it does quite a convincing "Univibe" tone, in fact
I'd say that it sounds richer than both my DIY "EasyVibe" and "Phase 45/Univibe" !!

..... now I'm pissed 

It has that nice rich combo of "Phase/Vibrato" but with a slight low end volume "pulse"
too, which seems the only problem, apart from the switch/jacks lasting about a week !!

I still think this is "wrong terminology" for the effect though ..
"Vibrato" should be just "pitch" mod with no other "tonal" changes, as mentioned above.
The best effect I have for this is my "Pearl CH-02" chorus pedal, which has a wet/dry
mix control.
When set to 100% wet, its pure "pitch" modulation - hence VIBRATO  !!

End of rant   


What made you change your mind?
The cheap way the CS is built? The sound?



I still didn't find any sample of "Machine gun" but I have one from "Breathe" (Pink Floyd) using the chicken salad (rehoused):


Even if it sounds good, comparing to the samples from this song using the easyvibe and neovibe you can find there http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=54665.0

there's an obvious lack of depth on the sweep.

IMO the Dano chicken salad sounds more like a good phaser than a vibe.


I was given a non-functioning Chicken Salad a year or so ago. It turns out the bulb was burnt out. The bulb I replaced it with was not the same as the original so the circuit required some modding to get it working properly. I hadn't heard a properly functioning Chicken Salad so I had nothing to compare it to. Whne I played it for the guy who gave it to me, he was floored by how much better it sounded. Much deeper and throbier(?)
It's up for grabs if you're interested.


So one of these isnt worth buying if you already have a neovibe and a easyvibe?



I think the neovibe is a real clone of the univibe (but too complicated for me to build).

IMO you won't never get closer to the sound of the univibe with a chicken salad.



Thanks for the wet/dry mix mod but I as I ill use metal film (1รน tolerance) it's not necessary as John Lyons stated in a previous post:
QuoteThe Build used carbon film 10% resistors so I figured I'd put in a trimmer to balance more accurately the phase between the original and phase shifted signal. I just put in a 20K trimmer pot and set it so both sides are exactly 10K. With metal film 1% resistors this wouldn't really be necessary. Plus I wanted to see how it affected the balance. Basically wet dry blend control. Not worth making it a panel pot though.


I measured the voltage of my 9V AC adapter and it provides 13V (I use it to feed my A/B box, Microamp, Boss AC-2 and wah).
My easyvibe will use 35V rating caps and TL062.
Will this adapter be OK (not to much voltage) to run the easyvibe? Will I get tick or hum? Do I need to regulate it with a 7809?


Hi again,

I'm planning to get a bos for my forthcoming easyvibe.
Will the 1590BB size be tall enough?
Is the 1590C size better? 


Hi there,

I checked the output voltage of my 9V AC adaptor and it provides 13.5V (I use it to feed my A/B box, Microamp, Boss AC-2 and wah).
My easyvibe will use 35V rating caps and TL062CP (with a maximum input rating of 15V if I remember well).
Will this adaptor be OK (not to much voltage) to run the easyvibe? Do I need to regulate it with a 7809? Will I get tick or hum?

I'm planning to get an enclosure for my forthcoming easyvibe.
Will the 1590BB size be tall enough (with 3PDT, audio jacks, DC jack, pots...)?
As this will be my first real perfboarded build, is a 1590C size enclosure better for me? 

Thanks for you replies.