Boscorelli project making me crazy!

Started by skiraly017, May 20, 2007, 05:27:54 AM

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It's late and I've done everything I know. For those of you following along at home, this is Project 30 form the Stompbox Cookbook...The Vibromatic. This project calls for a 15V power supply wired up like Mr. Nic has in the front of the book (two nine volts). However, the project only calls for "V+" and "Ground". "V-" is no where to be found. So where do I tuck the little bad boy in so I can get some power and see what else I screwed up? Also I've got three or four ground wires looking for a home. Were Am I dropping these? Thanks for the help.
"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson


lucky to have that elusive volume...

isn't it just that "V- = ground" if the circuit doesn't use negative voltages?

how about a schematic?  so we can follow along ;)


The battery hookup diagram in the front of the book shows how to use 2 9V batteries as a bipolar supply. Project 30 doesn't use a bipolar supply. The text states that it is optimized for a +15V power supply. It seems he used 2 9V batteries in series to test the prototype. (+) is (+). (-) is ground. Guess he felt ~17V (after the diode drop) didn't constitute a "significant departure" from the optimum 15V. Now those wires have a home :D. Why not just test it w/a 15V regulated supply?
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