Ruby and tremolo together, how do I reduce 12v to 9v for tremolo?

Started by momo, May 20, 2007, 10:19:43 AM

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I just figured out that including a Heartthrob tremolo in my ruby combo would require me to drop voltage from the 12v Ruby. So is it just a question of putting a regulator?
Also, how much current drain am I supposed to experience?
In other words, do you think it will be too hard on my aa batteries?(12v) to have both the Ruby and trem running on the 12v batt supply?
Should I put c or d batteries?

again thanks for the help.
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."

John Lyons

The trem may be fine at 12v actually. Just make sure all the caps will handle 16v or so.
Other than that you can add in a 9v voltage regulator similar to the univibe but use a 9v regulator.


Basic Audio Pedals


Hmmm, well thats great!,but, I thought that if a effect is made to use 9v, then the tranny bias would be off at 12v no?
Or maybe everything is relative, ie..the resistors will adjust?
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


Yeah, it should work just fine.  :)
You can just use a resistor to drop the voltage, though this requires some examination of the current draw, or you can just use diodes to drop the voltage.  Zeners.


Well, if anyone can confirm that I wont blow anything :icon_mrgreen: I could always redo but Id rather do something else....the caps on the tremolo are rated 50v, so no prob. I would love to simply run both of the 12v source.Ive been working all day at this, ah man, this is going to be an awsome combo,
can I have opinions/experiene with C, or D batteries?, I have the space.
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


At the very worst I'd expect some sort of oddity with the LFO, but I don't really know.

Caps sound fine, no worries there, indeed. 

Multiple C or D batters will work very nicely, long battery life.