nte864 waveform generator

Started by caress, May 10, 2007, 03:02:34 PM

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has anyone ever used the nte864 waveform gen?  i bought one a while back with the intention of using it as an LFO for a circuit...but i'm wondering what other applications it might be good for or in general if anyone has any ideas?  tone generator/noisemaker...not super exciting, but one possibility.  it does have simultaneous outputs for each waveform - sine, saw, sq...

here's the datasheet

also some more info on a pin-for-pin drop in chip with some applications for use

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

That's rather astonishing, i had no idea that Exar made a 8038! Exar makes the XR2206 as a competitor (different chip, but a voltage controlled sine/square/triangle osc just like the 8038).
The 8038 was originally the ICL8038 - you will find far more circuits on the web under ICL8038.
Thomas Henry (the DIY synth guy) came up with a few tricks to make the 8038 friendlier. I have forgotten them though - I don't use the 8038 because 1. it uses a lot of current, and 2. it doesn't quite cover the full audio range in one sweep, which I find particularly annoying.


thanks for that bit of info, paul.  i learned quite a bit checking out some of the information by searching ICL8038...i'll probably give it a go on the breadboard when i have a bit more free time...has anyone actually used either of these, though?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Well, I've used an ICL8038. I designed a ring modulator around it at one stage. I'm not sure what the minimum voltage is that it requires.
Strangely enough, the 8038 was designed by Hans Camenzind, who also did the 555 and the first PLL chip!
If diy stompboxing isn't hardcore enough, here is his website on how to design your own chips http://www.designinganalogchips.com/


wow.  that is pretty hardcore


sorry just wanted to bump once before it ends up in the bowels of the forum.   ;)

Paul Perry (Frostwave)


link to stripboard layout for synth osc using 8038 (Thomas Henry circuit)
