Tremulus Lune questions

Started by BDuguay, June 14, 2007, 08:58:46 AM

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Okay, I've searched and searched but to no avail. Let me splain.
A friend of mine had was given what turned out to be a Tremulus Lune (tonepad layout) with all the knobs included; speed, fine, depth, smooth, and spacing. It started giving him grief recently so I offered to have a look at it. Turns out it was just a lose jack. The owner would like a more simple control layout because the 5 knobs are very close together on his pedal. Think the 5 rings of the 'Olympics' symbol. He's asked me to clean it up a bit for him. So, far the last week or so, I've been doing my homework.
I'm thinking of replacing the 'smooth' and 'spacing' pots with toggle switches (picture the bottom 2 rings of the Olympic symbol) which leaves plenty of fat finger space for the the top 3 remaining pots (picture the top 3 rings in the Olympic symbol) Speed, Fine, and Depth.
Now, as far as I can tell from my research, the speed section can be reduced to one pot yes? And is the 500k reverse log the way to go or did I read that all wrong?
This is where I'm getting a little dizzy with my web findings.
Please help me stop the room from spinning.


in regard to the speed pot
There is a problem that is being solved by having one large value pot and a small value pot in series.
The problem is that with a large value pot the speed quickly jumps from slow to fast, and it is hard to get it just right. The small value pot helps.
I'm not familiar with the performance of a reverse log pot. Maybe someone else will chime in and say if they are better or not for fine control


Fair enough.
Thanks for that explanation k. Keep them coming please!