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Started by Rattlehead, June 25, 2007, 08:03:43 PM

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hi, i have a 100ma power supply, will it power my sansamp GT2?
what happens if the ma is too low?


i have to know by the next 2 hours! tnx!


it will work fine.  the gt2 draws much less than 100mA.  Around 5mA if I remember right


5ma? are you sure?  :D


just use it, it will be fine
got a performance?
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


yup like 30 =)
summer camps and stuff you know....


Keep an eye on the PS...if it's unregulated, and the voltage listed on it is say "9v 100mA", and you draw only 5mA, you might get higher voltage at a smaller load (16v even).  They are designed to give 9v at around the rated load of 500mA.   Regulated supplies rule. 

Most adapters sold for guitar pedal use are test it, simply get the appropriate resistors in series to draw 5mA (about 1.5K here), connect the PSU, and measure the current with an ammeter in series with the PSU and the voltage across the resistors.   Don't touch the wires - use a breadboard for safety, just in case ;o)
If you're getting much over 11v, I'd wonder if the caps etc. in there are rated to take the higher voltage.  Sometimes nothing happens - other times, something fries.

You can always use a regulator...find a 15v PS, use an LM7809 to regulate it to 9V.   
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