LED will not work

Started by jschwalls, July 01, 2007, 06:51:38 PM

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i have an older boss super phaser and the LED was not working, so i installed a new one and it barely lights up... so i traced the resistor and change the value, no change, it was brighter for less than 1 second... then it faded to nothing again..

any solutions??


did you hear a "pop" sound when it faded to nothing?


If you can find and post a link to the schematic, that might help.  I guess you'd have to find out why the LED isn't working...whether there's a problem with power getting to it, or if the LFO is messed up.  There could be a reason the old one died...
Not sure if your model is using LEDs for the filter sections, or if it's just the indicator LED you're talking about?
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i cant find the schematic for the Boss super phaser...

the LED is the on/off indicator.... it isnt a big deal but it would be nice if it worked...


and there was NO popping sound at all..


Chances are when you changed the value you made it too low and the led burned up.  They don't always pop when this happens.  Sometimes the go from colored to a dull orange for a couple seconds then go out, sometimes they smell like nasty burning and sometimes they just simply stop working.

I'd check what value resistor works best on a breadboard first.  And then I'd trace the path on the pcb from the resistor back and make sure it's the only resistor between the + power and the LED.  You never know with those crazy BOSS boards.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH