Metal McTube - Build Report

Started by blindsjc, June 29, 2007, 04:26:24 PM

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Hi friends,
After a week working on McTube I finally got the sound I wanted. Found just topics
about less distortion on the forum, but I was searching for more fuzz, to play heavy
metal with a tube. So, these are my mods for great metal tone from McTube:

1) Power supply mod using a 7806 regulator, very quiet heaters.
2) R9 from dignal to ground removed. Sounds great.
3) C6 changed from 20nF to 8.2nF.
4) C8 changed from 20nF to 10nF.
5) Pots change from 500k log to 1M log.

Simple little changes to values, but great changes to sound.
Great distorted sound with russian 6N2P (6V heater) and 12AX7 (12V heater).
Great clean and soft drive with russian 6N1P.



Great job! I'd love to hear some samples of it - or maybe I'll just build one of my own. One thing I really love about tube circuits is that it's always very easy to mod them for different tones - changing just a few parts can make a big difference. I need to get some 6N2Ps to play with.
Check out my NEW DIY site -


Thanks SoulSonic,
After new tests today, I back to 500k log for volume,
the circuit is lot quiet with this and got some more noise
with 1M pot, maybe a problem with the pot, but...

Yeah, 6N2Ps are great tubes for tests, they are cheap and
have good sound, I have 12 just for it... they always
put their lives in danger. Thanks


Somebody can explain why R9 acts killing a lot of highs
on this pedal? It was supposed to be just a voltage divider
with R8 but I feel a great sound difference when R9 is
connected. Theres a way to get lower output without
this problem?