Rusty Driver - Another small contribution. - repost

Started by Samy, June 29, 2007, 06:05:48 PM

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I don´t know why but this topic disappeared, so, this is a repost.
If there is some kind of problem wit this topic, please, let me know.

I found a schem of a known pedal on the web, this is a redraw with some small mods.
I´m making the pcb for it but it will take a wile until it´s completely finished.
If you guess wich pedal is this and if you want to make one iditical to the original, just forget about the millennium bypass, replace VR1 and R4 with one 330K resistor between IC pin 6 and 7 and use only one pair of silicon diodes on the clipping section.

Any more improvements are welcome.

This circuit it´s not tested yet !