Help Sourcing MAX1044 and TL072

Started by railhead, July 31, 2007, 11:24:45 AM

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I'm wanting to build an ABY based on RG Keen's schematic (, but (since I'm a n00b) I'm having trouble finding 2 components: the MAX1044 and the 42TM018.

I flat-out can't find the MAX1044 anywhere, and there are about a million versions of the TL072, so I don't know which specific one I should use. If anyone can hook me up with the specific URLs to the parts at Mouser or Smallbear (or wherever), I'd MUCH appreciate it!



hi, I bought a bunch of the MAX1044A's from digikey.  They had the cheapest prices I found on them.  However, if you are already placing an order at smallbear, it'd probably make more sense ot get them there rather than pay shipping two places.  Here's a link to smallbear:

I use smallbear's search bar on the left a lot, the search works pretty good if you're looking for an exact part and aren't sure if he has it or not.

- witty sig -


if cant find a 1044 get a ICL7660S .. MUST be the S on the end.
I dunno about transformers..  they are all a constant pain for me to find as well, I take it you are UK based also?



rapid are very good in the uk, for your future reference. free delivery for orders over £25 and are quite cheap for most things. They also fairly frequently have good offers on, like their bulk prices for individual components making it really cheap, and also sometimes have completely free delivery. They also sell the hammond range of boxes (although made by eddystone)

for the TL072 get the basic one (i.e not the one with the CD after it) The difference here is that the TL072 CD is a surface mount one. (thats if you end up placing an order at rapid of course)

smallbear only has one tl072, so it will be the right one :icon_biggrin:


Thanks everyone -- I was able to find everything. I don't know how I missed the MAX1044 at Smallbear, either.


Quote from: railhead on July 31, 2007, 06:26:57 PM
Thanks everyone -- I was able to find everything. I don't know how I missed the MAX1044 at Smallbear, either.

It's ok, I do it all the time.  When you compile a parts list, you're always bound to get messed up somewhere, I can't tell you how many times my eyes played tricks on me!  ;D
- witty sig -


Just as a reference, has a MAX1044 made by Microchip, part number 579-TC1044SCPA


Also, for reference for others that may be interested, you can ask for some free samples of MAX1044 (and other maxim producrs) directly at maxim site.



If you are UK based both the TL072 anfd the ICL7660S which is a pin for pin replacement for the MAX1044 are available easily from Maplins. I know they come in for a bashing here but I have had good service recently. Rapid has them as well.