head switcher with the well know delay problem. Is this a solution???????

Started by bonapanter, July 25, 2007, 04:10:12 PM

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I am  really newbie on this Diy stuff ???, so if am way off here try to explain to me why its not possible.

Problem:   By using a head switcher to switch between two  guitar heads into one cab. like the tonebone VT  by Radial,  the ability to use a delay/re verb in the eff.loops of the amps is gone. And puting a delay in front of the amp...?Well it sucks. 
Here is a theory. What if you took eff. loop signal from each of the amps, too  another switch where the remote signal from the VT is( slingshot cable) and when you switch the amps, the eff. signal from one of the amps will follow too. Is that something a 3PDT switch will
manage too do?

Here is a link to the tonebone vt  http://www.tonebone.com/tb-headbone-vt-using.htm


i think so... Assuming you don't want a LED on it.

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The lugs would something like this I think....

amp in 1, guitar signal, amp in 2
effects send 1, pedal effects send, effects send 2
effects return 1, pedal retrun, effects return 2


So its possible? Thats  ;D Because everybody did say that the only way to do that switch, was the midi way


I think it is... I mean thats not to say this wouldn't have some issues ... It might be kinda noisy? I honestly haven't the slightest clue.


   :icon_lol: let us just say its could be done because  i became rather eager about your first reply, so...... Its durable ( not sure about that last word???)    Maybe other on this forum can confirm it


Are you ADDING this to a Tonebone VT or is this supposed to be something similar that you build? If you're building the whole thing from scratch, you could have all the switching done with bunch of relays and be able to do pretty much whatever you want.
Check out my NEW DIY site - http://solgrind.wordpress.com


Yes. The idea was to add this to the headbone, to avoid all that dancing.  Its no problem to use the eff. loop on the amps, but then i have to switch off the eff. before i change amps with the headbone. 


Using a 3PDT footswitch will let switch your effects unit between the effects loops of the 2 amps. You'd still have to use the VT's footswitch to switch between amps so you'd have 2 switches to stomp. This might not work very well and might cause popping noises when you switch. If you're only changing amps between songs then this would be fine but if your doing it mid song then it might not.
If you want to just use one footwitch to change the amps and the effect at once then you'd need to use relays or some other form of electronic switching, which might be why people have told you you'll need midi.


I'd work if you are building a seperate box, I'd probably pop, but it'd work... On the other hand, I have no idea how to mod a VT to do it. I never even seen a VT.


 Well it seems like i have to learn to " live" without delay then  :icon_cry: Became to complicated for me to try build.
Hmmmm... Maybe i can deliver the vt to the local tv/ radio repair shop, maybe he can do some mod. on the vt. Well.
Thanks guys for answers