Finished the first build-Rangemaster

Started by GusGus, July 29, 2007, 03:46:42 PM

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Here it is, after I figured out how to read the transistor :icon_rolleyes: it was cake to put the rest together.  I just have to box it up.  Its pretty big and sloppy, but the next one will be better.  Fuzzface here I come.

This thing REALLY boosts the treble, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with it. 

And a pic...


Looks a hell of a lot better than some other first builds I've seen. Some advice though:

*Keep all components as close to the board as you can, without putting any stress on the leads. This should ensure some mechanical stability as well as the strength offered from the joint.
*Socket your transistors. This will prevent you possibly burning them out, and you can change them out a lot more easily. I've found the IC strip sockets (you get them in long strips you can break off) work a lot better than the triangle-y transistor sockets.
Completed Projects - Modded DS1, The Stiffy, Toaster Ruby, Octobooster Mk. II, Pedal Power Supply


I clipped a little heat sink deal on the transistor leads and soldered it very quickly.  If I had it to do over again I would definitely socket the thing though.

I keep em closer to the board next time too, thanks for the tips.