Any Illustrator or Photoshop wizards out there?

Started by dustbro, July 29, 2007, 02:55:50 AM

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I'm designing some decals for my new Zonk Machine pedal. Anyone know how to create a pattern that matches the texture of this pedal?



that finish is a hammertone effect
spray paints come like this
i could try and emulate it
what size?
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Some interesting textures here including a hammertone.
Using transforms & filters in photoshop could possibly tweak this up, if it isn't quite what you want.
The charm of a 'real' hammertone comes from the varying specular reflection as the viewing angle changes, but this can't be replicated in an image.


Thanks for the replies guys!  I'm making stickers for a box that is 5.70 x 4.70.
I think that hammertone texture link is wonderful. Exactly what Im looking for.
thanks again!


Making seamless patterns is super fun once you have the technique down.
There are several web pages with tutorials. Do a google search with the key works
" photoshop" "seamless pattern"

Here's the short version.

Grag a texture off the internet or your own digital camera, like a pic of a brick wall.
The lighting has to be even across the image.

In Photoshop go to FILTERS>OTHER>OFFSET.
A dialog box opens that lets you input H and V dimmensions.
Enter in numbers that are exactly half the V and H number of pixels.
So if your image is 400 pixels square enter in 200 pixels for the H and V OFFSET.
Below that check the box labeled "wrap around".
After you hit OK your image will be pushed and wrapped so that the edges will be in the middle of the image.
Now use the CLONE tool to erase the edges. This is the hard part.
Once you have CLONED out the edges do a SELECT ALL.
Go to EDIT>MAKE PATTERN and give your pattern a name.
Now open a new blank image with FILE>NEW and make it bigger than the pattern, say 1200 x 1200 pixels.
Now go EDIT>FILL WITH PATTERN and select your pattern.
The new image will fill with your seamless pattern and you will see how good of a job you did CLONING out the edges.

Yes it is a lot of step and I'm describing it from memory so check out a web tutorial.
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