from mesa preamp , anyone built this preamp??

Started by littlefunky, August 01, 2007, 04:35:18 PM

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hi everyone.I saw this preamp a few months ago.I want to build this preamp but I have some problems.They are Some difference in schematic between layout and unspesified values.And most important thing; I don't speak italian:) This project has some explanation but I can't understand them :icon_neutral: any help or experience, I would be greatfuk.sorry for bad english :icon_neutral:thanks


Hi I'm one of the members of diyitalia. I recently saw a build report of the soldano preamp,
so maybe it's better if you build that one, it's tested and probably layout, component values etc are all ok.


thanks for suggestion trevize.I'll try this preamp.but mesa ...:icon_sad:


In the "notes" file he says that the layout is not exactly the same as the Mesa dual rectifier, few components are changed to his taste.
some others are added to avoid oscillations and stuff. for the same reason he suggests to put some kind of metal shield between V1 and V2. the pdf file contains some more about the improvments he made, but I guess this is enough to answer your question.
I don't know if it is verified, but the guy seems quite proud of his work, so...
have fun!
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.