Adding feedback diodes to the LM386

Started by Steben, September 14, 2007, 04:37:50 AM

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hey guys!
I was thinking... Looking at the rough schematics of the chip, you can clearly a feedback loop, which can be altered with pins 1 and 8, or even with 8 and 5 (bypassing the resistor). What if you add back to back diodes (think zeners) between 8 and 5? These should be chosen just under the clipping treshold (I guess around +/-4V when using 9V power). Wouldn't that improve the overdrive character?
Rules apply only for those who are not allowed to break them


i have been thinking along similar lines about adding clipping into  a fetzer ruby. i wouls suggest having a look at a schem for a rambler like the one here ill prob tinker a bit this weekend, ill let you know how i go :)
Built=SHO,DOD 250,Atari punk console,Fuzz Factory,Easy Vibe,Burning Crunch,Modded Vm fuzz (2n5088+bmp tonestack),Wah Probe,Wooly Mammoth,Eternity,Big Muff Tri
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