N00B Trimpot Install Question: Where Do The Legs Go?

Started by railhead, September 06, 2007, 04:11:04 PM

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I have a circuit that I want to install a trimpot in, replacing a "static" resistor.

I'm using a 10k trimpot with 3 legs (c, b, a), and I'm not sure where to put each leg in the circuit. My understanding is that legs "c" and "a" need to go into the same spot the old resistor went -- but where does leg "b" go? Do I just ground it to one of the other legs? Just use it for an anchor?



Generaly the second and third legs get soldered together so you have 2 legs each going into each of the holes, if the pot ends up working backwords and change the pins arround.....

to make a Pot into a variable resistor you just need to connect the middle and either of the outside pins together and then you have a variable resistor.....

Go to bed with itchy Bum , wake up with stinky finger !!
