want fuzz jade to self oscillate

Started by vacuumdust, September 08, 2007, 08:35:16 AM

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I built a fuzz jade and really like it...can anybody help me out as far as how to get it to self oscillate??  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


  put the output to the input
  try with big to smaller resistances between maybe throw a cap in there.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


So, a resistor of a given value between the effect in and effect out on the stomp switch...and possibly a cap across that?  I'll experiment with that.  THANKS


  oh it'll oscillate, most uncontrollably, I'd use a 1Meg pot in there to begin with..cap option would be a treble bleed across the lugs, or perhaps a treble rolloff in series, I would guess you could control the freq and stuff, the feedback will probably have a touchy point between where it starts and where it just takes over.
  I haven't read of voicing a feedback loop but 'why not'.
  Another option would be to place a shunt to ground.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.