Sovtek Green Big Muff help

Started by msurdin, September 16, 2007, 06:17:59 PM

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Hey guys

I have one of the Sovtek Big Muffs. The switch broke so I wanted to change a few things wile i was in there..

I want to wire it into this setup..
If I remove the switch completly and wire the board into this will it work? I have heard a few things about having to cut some traces on the board..
Also I most likley i am going to have to remove the pcb jacks also..

How can I get this done?




That switching would work to bypass the effect as far the muff sound but you would still be running through the buffer....Is this what you want or did you want true bypass?


If ya want TB ya only need to cut one trace man!

i have a diagram if ya need it..........

if not,disregard.


I didnt want true bypass at all. I like cornish switching system diagram. So how would I hook it up so the effect would just be in there?


If you want to keep the buffer then do it as you have it pictured above, Although pete cornish has valid points on his arguements TB you must remember one thing!  His rigs are for pro's playing on stages that are massive with VERY long cable runs and the buffers are a good thing.  You are playing at home or maybe a small gig you wont have the problems associated with big rigs that really call for the buffer.  I would loose it you dont need it


I do use long cable runs. I also want to just see if I can do it. I like experimenting.  :)

So how would I wire this up? Really just need to find how to hook up the in and out wired.. Do I need to cut any traces when removing the pcb jacks?




you got a schematic or layout of your pedal handy??  I really dont want to do the searching sorry.  get that and post a pic or a link here and I will show you what you need to do


All i have is pretty much a picture i could take of the board... Would that work?