using 50K stereo faders to act as 100K mono pots

Started by Wounded Paw, October 01, 2007, 05:36:37 PM

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Wounded Paw

I found this little DJ mixer in the trash and I think I'll use it as a test bed for several parrallel effects.  I have the circuitry all together and the way I have it figured out is that the volume control of each individual circuit will also act as it's level in the parrellel mixer section (like the parrellyzer from GGG, using mini-mixer circuitry, buffers, splitters etc which are already available).
The thing is the faders on this DJ mixer are stereo and only 50K log each.  What would be the best way to wire them to act as 100K log mono pots?  If you wire both sides of a single stereo fader in series you won't see much signal at all until the last little bit of movement on the fader, I did the math on the patio today with pint in hand so I might be wrong.  I didn't do the math yet for parrellel wiring but I'm thinking I might just have to use them as 50K pots where a 100k pot is called for like in a Linear Power Booster.  This results in slightly less gain for the circuit but is this more or less important than the weird action of the stereo fader wired to act as one mono?