Moolon - switching system

Started by DWBH, October 03, 2007, 09:31:23 AM

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I saw this the other day and the thing that struck me most was the switching system.
I really liked it.
How can you do that, diy-speaking?
I went to GEO, but found nothing.


I don't have a schematic, but I guess it's done either with fets or a 4066 and some logic gate. All the normal switches do is invert the on/off state of the pedal. the master switch inverts BOTH the other switches states. Should be rather easy to do with some logic. gates or fets.


All of that and more is in the GEO articles on how to do switching.

It's just not laid out in paint by the numbers detail.

Look at the "Juggler" and the other footswitching articles and the ones on using the CD4053.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Rodenberg makes a modded TS that is perhaps the most interesting I've seen to date. The 828 model has two independent ts circuits, and a switch that allows the two stompswitches to control the effect as two TS's or to stack them. Digging around on the board I found an MCU, a very cool way to do this, if a tad over-engineered. Apologies for the largish pic, but it is such a nice piece of work it's worth looking at :)