Phozer 2.0 Build and Issues

Started by scottso, October 09, 2007, 04:01:30 PM

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I built out the phozer 2.0 from on a breadboard and it worked perfectly and sounded great!  So I decided to make a PCB for it and build it out.  And of course, Murphy strikes and now that I've populated my PCB it doesn't work right. :(  So before I start listing voltages and such, does anyone know if the PCB and layout at is verified to work?  Has anyone built the 2.0 yet from that PCB layout?

URL here:

I built the board without all the components for the manual sweep mode and used jumpers to hardwire it for auto sweep mode.  Looking at the board layout it looks to me that I shouldn't need to add any of the components for the manual sweep if I don't plan to use it.  It certainly worked out that way when I breadboarded it. :)

The LFO is working.  I can see the voltage sweeps and the LDRs work but I get no phasing on the output.  Strangely, I get output even when there is no power to the circuit which I thought implied a short or a missing ground but I'll be darned if I can track it down. I went over all my soldering and there are no shorts that I can find.  Which part of the circuit should I be narrowing my focus on?  Should an opamp be outputting anything with no power even though there is signal coming into its input(s)?



For the 20 people that were reading, the problem was that PCB layout was wrong for the VTL5C2 vactrols.  The traces to the LED's needed to be reversed.  Hopefully this will save someone some debugging time if they build it with the parts listed. ;)

B Tremblay

Do the traces need to be reversed or can the vactrol simply be installed upside-down?
B Tremblay