Green Ringer knob!!!!

Started by Zedmin_fx, March 01, 2008, 07:25:53 PM

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Hi I have a green ringer and man it is sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! I would just like to know if there any known ways to install a  control knob to control the octave up? I bought the kit from ggg if that helps. Thanks


Know one has any clue?? O well


do a search for "green ringer mods" or go look at the project page at ggg, you should find a few options.


I've been experimenting with the null mod at GGG.
I used a 250k-A pot instead of the 22k suggested at GGG, and added a second diode in series with an on/off switch.
When the switch is on there are two diodes at the collector and one at the emiter, and with the pot at max the octave fx is almost gone. I like to set the drive and master of my amp at 7 & 4 with a little amount of ringing.
Same thing can be acomplished by using a Ge diode at the emiter and selectable Ge or Si at the collector.
Also added a switch to bypass Q1 emiter with a 10uf cap, and a 100k-A volume pot as it gets very loud this way.


mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84