want to add a LED to JD sleeps PAIA ROCTAVE DIVIDER

Started by mikeford, July 30, 2013, 03:32:34 PM

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I have a JD Sleep from general guitar gadgets and I want to add a LED to the circuit. (It has a spst switch)
I made the jack switching to disable the juice and added a 9volt barrel jack for future wall wart powarage,
Any ideas?
Can i post the schematic and how do i do that?(If needed.)


I'm guessing you mean LED for on/off operation? If so, change the SPST switch to a common DPDT. Use one throw to mime what the spst was doing and connect the cathode of an LED to the center of the other throw. Connect one of the other lugs to ground, depending on how the SPST worked (connection made = effect on or connection made = effect off). Connect a current limiting resistor between 9V and the anode of the LED and you're good to go.

Schematic would help for a more detailed response. Also the functionality of the LED (on off, something else) would really be a deciding factor.