Danelectro delay blend mod

Started by Dimitree, September 25, 2016, 12:31:09 PM

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I'd like to mod my Danelectro PB&J so that the mix level controls both dry and wet. Now you can only get 50% wet and 50% dry when the potentiometer is fully clockwise.
I'd like to have 50/50% when the potentiometer is at center position, and 100% wet when the potentiometer is fully clock-wise.

I found mods to add dry level control, but you'd need another potentiometer or a stereo potentiometer in place of the original one.

Can I mod it using the original potentiometer?

this is the schematic



The mix pot Vr1 is a volume control on the playback signal. To turn it into a blend, I guess you remove the ground from one end and connect that end to the input signal instead, from IC102A pin 1. The existing dry feed via R107 would need to be cut.

The values of the existing mix resistors R107 and R108 suggest the playback signal is about x2 louder than the dry, so perhaps R108 will need reducing, I think this is all smd, so you may probably have to solder a 100k across that 82k to get it closer to the 47k of the dry path.

The pot is shown as a "B" type. That usually means linear, but there are some brands that call audio log their B type. I wonder about that because volume controls are usually audio taper.  If it's log, the blend won't be 50/50 at centre, but if it's linear, it still may not be if the signals are not at similar levels.