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BMP Question

Started by chris84, November 09, 2007, 11:08:53 AM

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I'm just gettin back into building after a lay off of a coupe of years - whilst I'm waiting for a package from Maplin, I had a notion of modding my NYC big muff. first on the list is true bypass - i never realised until the other night how much tone it actualy eats up when switched off. I have a box of caps on my desk, so I'm going to change a few to the specs suggested elsewhere, and also try - now let me get this right - taking the transistor emitters 1-3 to ground?

Anyway, from the pedals I've built in the past, I like tinkering with clipping diodes (more pairs/assymetrical/LEDs etc.), but on opening the bmp, it seems to have 2 sets - my question is - modifying which pair (or both pairs?) will yield which results?

I have a few diodes kicking about, and about a dozen red and yelloe LEDs liberated from an old fourtrack which I'm desperate to solder....

Cheers in advance


now let me get this right - taking the transistor emitters 1-3 to ground?
  Raises gain, can be done above board maybe with a testclip for sampling, wire for ~permanent.
  Maybe try the first or second stage to see what you like, also you could try a pot there, or even emitter resistor bypass cap[s.
Anyway, from the pedals I've built in the past, I like tinkering with clipping diodes (more pairs/assymetrical/LEDs etc.), but on opening the bmp, it seems to have 2 sets - my question is - modifying which pair (or both pairs?) will yield which results?
  See BMP schematic, boost stage goes to first clipping stage [with BTB diodes in the transistor feedback loop], then into second clipping stage.
  Raise the clipping threshold voltage on the first stage and the second stage gets 'slammed' with more input...I think it's kind of a balancing act going on in there, and raising/lowering the stage 1 clipping will also directly influence what the second stage sees as far as signal strength.
  First stage might not clip with LED's ?
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