volume loss w/dpdt switching

Started by superfish, November 20, 2007, 06:17:46 PM

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i just installed a dpdt toggle switch on a bazz fuzz for the bypass switch. i wired it as shown in the FAQ, w/wires going to the tip of each jack and input/output of pedal. when on, it works great, but in bypass the volume drops, and can only be heard w/my amp all the way up. did i wire it wrong, or do i need a different switch?


Sounds like it's wired wrong, or could be defective (pretty doubtful).  Double-check the connections, use a multimeter to be SURE which lugs go to which switch setting. 

The wires should go from the jack tips to in and out respectively, yup, but one set should just be passing right by the effect.  If it's somehow still in the circuit when you go to bypass, that would explain your volume drop (tone sucking, tends to kill highs, too). 
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