tremulus lune audio path question...

Started by roofer1, December 12, 2007, 10:44:11 PM

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using the tonepad layout and newest tonepad parts suggestions (based on commonsound updates), i have built a tremulus lune with parts from smallbear and the pcb from tonepad.  my question is...on the schematic, what is the signal path of the audio.  i am not getting any sound through the board when it is on, but i have probed the board with my audio probe and the last audio i get is at pin 1 of IC1 (tl072).  i replaced the IC, thinking that maybe i had cooked it when i soldered it in, but to no avail.  i am getting a lovely ticking from the VTL5C2 when i probe it, but there isnt any guitar signal there at all.  no sound is actually making it out of the board either, meaning that the ticking/pulsing at the VTL5C2 is not making its own major noises.  the speed indicator LED is pulsing nicely too.

any thoughts?  can someone who knows the ways of the schematic tell me where i should be getting audio signal on the board?  thanks in advance.  and ill talk to you later...

  Top left: input>1uf>47k>OA>Cell>OA>1uf>Output: top right.
  right through the middle of the top half.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


okay, i have audio all the way to the top right pin of the VTL5C2.  i changed out the stock 25K trim to a 100k to see if that made any difference (a long shot i know), none.  there is audio present only at pin 1 of the TL072.  does that mean there is something wrong with the VTL5C2?  the LED seems to be flashing right along and changeable with the pots, so i think that its not in backwards, particulalry as the tonepad PCB is set up with the pins being pretty obvious which way it goes on.  any thoughts?