Rail to Rail Opamps

Started by blindsjc, December 10, 2007, 09:14:12 AM

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Hi friends,
I read a lot of topics about rail to rail opamps.
I know, I know... listen and think about your personal taste...

But, I'm building a new tonemender and want to use the best
opamp to capture all the sounds coming from my guitar
(I think bandwidth counts here).

The TLC2272 is the way with now surprises, good dynamics
and low noise, but I found a TS922 opamp that appears to
be a worth and haves a better price. So, anyone who used
this opamps can say if they are good as TLC2272 or any other
impression about it? or Any new killer rail to rail to try?

Any info can help a lot since we don't have this chips easily
available here in my country and they are really expensive
to "buy and try" strategy.

Thanks a lot for any info

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Note the maximum supply voltage is only 12V.
That won't be a problem using a 9v battery, of course..
but, I've been caught before with some 'low supply' chips before on my +-15V stuff!!


CA3130 (single)

ICL7621 (dual)

"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


Thanks for your replies friends,
I think that time after time we search for a new library
of components to use like our almost secure choices.

I realized today that is time to start using some rail
to rail devices and see (hear) why they are so commented
these days. Until now my opamps where NE5532 and TL072,
but, time to new adventures.

Since music is something so complex sometimes an advice
like yours is 10x better than a datasheet info. I will try ICL7621
for sure. If someone else haves some heart rail to rail please
post the name here.

Sorry about my poor english language.
Thanks a lot.


I agree that it is sometimes very easy and "comforting" to go with an old friend (for me, it is the TL072...)

But there are advancements all the time that should not be discounted. 

I just received a few TS922's for the exact purpose of evaluation.  If my memory serves me correctly, it can source a fair amount of current (80mA?), so I may try it out on a headphone amp or something similar.

I'll post what I find :)


Hi PerroGrande,
Please don't forget to send some info after your tests,
the 80mA will not be a problem, I plan to use it at my
guitar preamp, supplied by a transformer and regulated
PSU. Thanks a lot.


Paul Marossy

QuoteCA3130 (single)

I've used that in a circuit or two.