Remote and Wicked Switching

Started by YouAre, January 08, 2008, 08:11:16 PM

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I've been looking into Tonegod's Wicked Switching, and I haven't seen any cases of people using Wicked Switching. Any of you got build reports about this?

Do I have to watch out for clicking/popping with this type of switching?

Also, how would i set up this system for Remote switching with a simple single button footswitch?


Michael Allen

I use them all the time. They're beautiful, simple and fairly cheap. Definitely cheaper than 3PDT stomp switches. I use the momentary with inverter gates, using a CD40106. No clicking no popping!

What exactly do you mean by remote switching?


awesome, just what i wanted to hear!

By Remote Switching, I mean i want to make true bypass loops with remote switches, like amp footswitches.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to have any extra PCB's for those that you'd sell me, would you? :)