How to identify panasonic film caps??NOOB ALERT

Started by Dylan Nau, January 13, 2008, 07:54:48 PM

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Dylan Nau

Hey there, I have searched and searched for an answer but can't find it so I come to you.  I ordered a bunch of Panasonic film caps from small bear.  How do I tell which ones are which.  There are numbers like 6f3 682j and stuff like that.  I don't get it.  Is there a way to tell what measurement in farads the caps are by using a multi meter?  I know j has to do with tolerance but, what's up with the other numbers?  Thanks!!! first post.

Dylan Nau

OK OK, I found a sweet explanation in the FAQ.  Much apologies for such a lame first post.  NEVERMIND :icon_redface:

John Lyons

Don't feel bad...we've all been at the same point once....


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