What are the specs on ICAR pot and how can I simulate it with standard taper pot

Started by signalpaths, January 19, 2008, 01:54:20 PM

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I have read RG's secret life of pots and understand that through the use of resistors odd tapers can be made.  I can't seem to find anything on the specs of an ICAR taper or even a plot of what taper looks like.  I am an EE student almost into my senior year and am  to poor to afford such luxuries as a $16 pot.   :icon_cry:  If any one knows how to do this and could explain or post a link I would be eternally grateful.  :D 

Thank you all



once i read somewhere, you can replace one of the 220nF capacitors wired to the pot with a 330nF to have a behaviour similar to a ICAR pot.
but i don't remenber which cap you have to change....


Quote from: Geoffrey Teese on December 23, 2006, 12:38:11 PM
Hi Everybody,

Here's a little trick that will make all this "Icar taper" stuff moot.  Locate the .22uF cap that feeds the wiper of the wah pot.  Repace the original .22uF with a .33uF.  That's it.  Use this with the standard Dunlop HotPotz to simulate the Icar taper. I've given this modification away to a few people and it can be found in a few "relatively new" wah brands out there, as part of their secret sound.  Since this is my original modification and not something I learned from another source, as well as not something I use (since I have my own pots), I have no qualms about sharing it with everyone.  Sure, you won't get the Icar taper mimicked 100%, but it will go a LONG way in reproducing the effect I think you're looking for.  This will make pot replacement MUCH less of a headache.  I do NOT recommend using this modification with any "Icar taper" pots as issues can develop under certain circumstances.

Peace, Love, and Wah,
Geoffrey R. Teese
