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Werid issue

Started by bracaglia, January 18, 2008, 03:14:23 PM

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Ive built a millon of this overdrive pedal i just built another have it wired excalty the same as my others , when i turn it on i can hear the staic of the od   but i have no guitar sound , on either the od being on or off ,  its very werid  beacuse  i changed the switch and input jack and same thing , the pots are working right it seems i can hear them taper when i turn them ,   any thoughts? output jack maybe?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

yeah, go over it with a multimeter until you find what isn't connected to where it should be. It's almost certainly a wiring error, if you made one before and it worked.


Yes that is what is so strange i have build several of this all the same way , the only thing im thinking is maybe the switch? i bought a ton od spdt switchs a while back could they all be bad?  the board is right the wiring is as well makes no sense  i dont get it .


I'd suspect the switch, or the way it's wired (more likely).  When I build an effect, I connect input wire and output wire to 2 jacks, tie their sleeves together and to ground.  And I jumper a 9V battery to the power wires and jack ground.  Then I can test the circuit before the switch goes in, eliminate the board as causing any problems.  You might want to try this, and then do the switch again.  It's a little delicate, but it will show if you wired the board right.   The symptoms really sound like input & output being reversed. 

Easy enough to test the switch with a continuity meter...
Good luck!   :o)
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one in a million failing switches isn`t that bad, is it?