psychtar settings for "clock" and "drone" effects

Started by gigimarga, January 29, 2008, 07:05:07 PM

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i finished the psychtar (thx mr. tim escobedo!) this night...sounds ok but i can't understand how to obtain the "drone" and the "clock" sounds that i found on this wonderful page of mr. john lyons: only pot of psychtar is
a volume pot  ??? ... and the octave switch...


"Drone" is just playing a droning guitar note, or two notes.

"Clock" is playing two notes together that aren't exactly harmonically related, like say an E and a Bb or something like that.



thx a lot man for your answer...but what are the "droning notes" (my english isn't very good...)?


For drone sound try letting an open string ring out while playing fretted notes on another string.
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