McMeat switch wiring on the pisotones site

Started by daverdave, February 18, 2008, 07:08:54 PM

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I actually used 3p4t throughout - just means I have some wasted contacts. You should be right for your switches - A=123, B=456 etc.  Easily confirmed with the continuity tester on your DMM.


I found a couple of problems, there was a cold solder joint at the bandpass filter circuit, so I fixed that and was getting a quiet sound through that as well. I figured out I'd wired the send and return wrong, I used the stereo switched dpdt jacks like on the pisotones site but didn't realise how to wire themproperly. :icon_redface:
Figured out I'd wired the contacts the wrong way round on the dpdt part, so when I plugged jacks into them it worked, so after rewiring them the right way it now works like a dream.
I'll be smiling about this for week, thanks to everyone for the replies, now to get down to some funk!!!