I have a huge problem.

Started by DBDbadreligion, February 11, 2008, 12:02:55 AM

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My brother is a bass player and I built him a B. Blender a while back.  He asked me to build so he could put his Russian Big Muff into the effects loop of the B. Blender to allow the big muff to sound better on bass.  So today he was like, can you try to put the B. Blenders circuit inside the enclosure with the big muff?  I was like yeah I think so.  So  I wired it up and then it had sound but it was a really low volume.  The big muff didnt make distortion but the blender worked.
So after that I was like this isnt worth debugging, so I put everything back the way the were before.  Now!  Guess what!  Neither of the pedals are working anymore.  I am so frustrated now.  I knew I shouldn't have tried to do it anyway.  "If it aint brocken, don't fix it." 

So anyway, what could be the problem.  Everything is back in their original enclosures and wiried up correctly.

Thanks alot,

Nick Landt



Quote from: DBDbadreligion on February 11, 2008, 12:02:55 AM
Everything is ...................wired up correctly.

Want to take a wild guess how many times I've told myself that, only to find out I had made a mistake ?

See the "Debugging" thread. Obviously these pedals were working...so you KNOW that it MUST be a wiring issue, correct ? Only other possibility is that somehow parts on BOTH effects were damaged when you rehoused them, and its highly unlikely that happened to both....


ok well i guess I have alot of work on my hands.
Nick Landt



Input/Outputs, ground and power, I'd guess, my man!  I've done the same, and it's one of those.  It was probably why they didn't work together, too...
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


so there is no way to have them work together?
or is there?  i tried and i thought i wired it right.
the only thing i was confused about is to where i was supposed to wire the belnders effects loop into the big muff's circuit.
Nick Landt



could someone tell me how to wire both pedals together?  I would still like to be able to do that.
The way I had the blender setup before, when it was in it own enclosure is it didn't have a bypass.  I was always turned on.

So how would I wire that into the Big Muffs circuit?
What I did was I got the wires from the input and outputs of the blender and soldered them the input jacks and out puts jacks of the Big Muff, then with the send and returns, I soldered the return to the output and the send to the input of the big muffs input and output jacks.

It made sound, but it was a very low volume and the big muff didn't have any effect.
I imagine the way I wired it was incorrect. 
Can someone tell me how it should be wired?

Thanks Alot,

Nick Landt



could someone tell me how I should wire it?
I guess it should be B. Blender then Big Muff.
Nick Landt



  The effect is supposed to go 'in' the B blender.
  no schematic...
  first I'd debug the BMP, I'd have DMM or audio probe look over the signal routing, do V_/+ checks and collector voltage checks...
  Then I'd get the BBlender working with a bypass jumper with cap or something easy to stick on it with clips or something..
  ..Wherever the effect goes in/out of the blender could also be made to have jacks.
  All of a sudden once in a while, a whole lot more is expected than was expected.
  Just start applying the meter and the probe...if the signal stops 'there', 'there' has to have a reason for it.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemoore on February 12, 2008, 03:38:11 AM
  The effect is supposed to go 'in' the B blender.
  no schematic...
  first I'd debug the BMP, I'd have DMM or audio probe look over the signal routing, do V_/+ checks and collector voltage checks...
  Then I'd get the BBlender working with a bypass jumper with cap or something easy to stick on it with clips or something..
  ..Wherever the effect goes in/out of the blender could also be made to have jacks.
  All of a sudden once in a while, a whole lot more is expected than was expected.
  Just start applying the meter and the probe...if the signal stops 'there', 'there' has to have a reason for it.
ok well I know the big muff is getting power.  the led is still working and all the transistors are getting the correct voltages.
so I assume it is not working because of a ground or a input/output problem.  I am wondering if maybe something is wrong with the jacks, because I can't find anything wrong with the grounds.  Yesturday I was able to make the Big Muff have sound when it was turned on, but when it was off no sound played.  Also the blender has sound but it was a really low volume.  So that is why I am thinking input.output problems.

Does that sound resonable to you?
Nick Landt



bump, I worked on it more today.  I change the BMP's jacks to switch craft jacks and it still is not working right.  It works when it is turned on, but when it is bypassed u can barely hear any sound.
Nick Landt



It works when it is turned on, but when it is bypassed u can barely hear any sound.
  Appears that the BMP circuit board is working ok...always nice.
  The bypass route should be easy to trace down with the DMM in beep mode, it should be a wire from injack tip [and not ground], through switch input and bypass jumper, out of switch to output jack tip.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


yeah all that is there.  i haven't changed how the switch was wired at all.
I just think it is strange how I just tried to hook the blender into the circuit
without changing the big muff's circuit at all, and now neither of the pedals work.
Nick Landt
