HELP:onboard FET preamp placement

Started by DimebuGG, April 05, 2008, 11:43:42 PM

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Is this correct?..nah, I did not include the bridge pickup coz the preamp overdrives it like crazy. I'm using Paul Marrosy's circuit with 1uF bypass capacitor in parallel with the 10K trimmer. I need your ideas.

NECK and MIDDLE pickups are SINGLE COILS while the BRIDGE is a HUMBUCKER

Ben N

"403 - Forbidden"

If it works it's correct.


using 5-way selector switch.


Ben N

That looks like it would work, if you don't mind losing your tone controls.


Quote from: Ben N on April 06, 2008, 05:15:23 PM
That looks like it would work, if you don't mind losing your tone controls.

Thanks. Anyway,i only showed the volume pot for clarity.