Adapting an LFO to stompbox use

Started by juancra, April 09, 2008, 06:20:56 PM

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Hi all!

I was looking at's LFO proyects and find out an interesting multi - wave LFO for synth use. I was wondering if this circuit is suitable for bending to a modular effect of some kind (a Multi - tremolo?). What do you think?


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

It would be fantastic - in most cases you could just rip out the existing LFO from a trem circuit & whack in the new one - but, note that Ray Wilson's stuff is designed for +-12 or 15V supplies.
That's not a problem for ME, because most of my pedals are running on + 15 and -15 already.
But it's going to be a hassle if you are modding an existing 9v circuit to use this LFO. Two possible problems: the LFO swing will be far too wide (by a factor of x4, maybe more) and the LFO might be offset in voltage as well (not a problem if you are running it in via a large electro).


but what if instead of modding an existing trem to allow various wave shapes we insert signal into the LFO's schem? each wave output could be mixed into a clean signal using a pot or select one using a rotary switch.

The proyect is hosted at

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Unless I don't understand the question, I think the problem is this:
You can run an external LFO - like the output from the Ray Wilson LFO - into an existing tremolo, and control the active part of the trem that used to be controlled by the regular LFO circuit.
But if you run audio into the Ray Wilson LFO. there just isn't anywhere that makes sense - because it has no part that changes an audio signal!