IC orientation

Started by aettin, December 25, 2011, 06:05:53 PM

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Hi guys-

Feeling a bit stupid here. I have an IC (4093), and am not sure which way to orient it. The actual chip has a semi-circle divot on the one side, and a full circle indent on the other side. Which side do I orient with the square block on the layout? I usually just match the side with some sort of indentation with the square, but on this IC I have 2 types of markings? Please help.

Thank you very much for your time.


The big semi-circle taken out of one end has pin 1 beside it, disregard the other small circle. Assuming it looks like
Divot? I had to look that up - obviously I don't play golf!


That's awesome. Thank you so much. Hahaha.. I'm from South Africa.. perhaps our vocab is bit odd.


Just for the sake of throwing info out there... the full circle you find on some chips is from the plastic molding process. It's caused by a pin that pushes the chip out of the mold die. If the pin isn't perfectly flush with the surface, it leaves either a divot or a nub.

I'm from Wyoming... divot is in our normal vocabulary in the Rocky Mountain region. But we also call creeks "cricks" (lazy between an e and an i sound). *shrug*
Give a man Fuzz, and he'll jam for a day... teach a man how to make a Fuzz and he'll never jam again!
