What do I do? Potentiometer wiring help!

Started by harkkam, April 21, 2008, 03:45:20 PM

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Im looking at the pot, with the bottom side up with the knob facing down, and I see three tabs to connect wires too. Now im looking at this schematic


Now I dont know which side goes where. Im not sure which tab connects to the .001uf, and which tab goes to ground and which one goes to the jack. (the 500 k pot)

thank you I hope someone can help me.


Have a look here http://www.diystompboxes.com/wiki/index.php?title=DIY_FAQ#POTS

Or, what I do is look at the pot from the front and imagine there's a a knob on it (or put a knob on it) and turn it all the way clockwise. Which ever tab the knob is pointing to connects to the output of the circuit, the other outside tab is ground and the wiper (middle tab) goes to the switch or jack.


I can't access fuzzcentral at the moment, but check the FAQ page there - he gives a small diagram for how to orient the pots for all his schematics. The numbers 1, 2 & 3 will coorespond to the numbers on the schem.

Mark Hammer

You want the controls to function so as to  make the resistance between the 20uf cap and the emitter of Q2 smaller in a clockwise direction, and make the resistance between the wiper and the .1uf cap smaller as you go clockwise.

Look at the pot from the same direction you would see it if you used a glass/lucite chassis, and make the lug in the most clockwise direction the one that goes to the Q2 emitter and the one that goes to the .1uf cap.  That way, as you rotate clockwise, you will be making the resistance smaller.