DIY rocker activated wah..

Started by Johan, May 03, 2008, 03:59:17 PM

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I got one of those Carvin vintage wah a few days ago for next to nothing...the circuit appears to be a standard vox circuit buffered by a pair of 2sc1815 in a darlington configuration...but soundwise it's bit dissapointing really, and I cant quite understand why...the coil appears to be the same as in any crybaby and the pot is a regular 100k...but there is no "quack"....I guess it's a pot taper-issue?

anyway, the reason I got it was to experiment with an idea I've had for some time( without wreking my old crybaby), I drilled the holes for the rocket pivot axel out about 1 mm, placed the spring bar UNDER the axel instead of over. then located two keyboard swithes(one on each side of the spring-bar) under the axel. the two switches are connected parrallell and operates a small relay in place of the bypass switch.
now, whenever I step on the rocker, the wha is active and whenever I let go, it is bypassed...and I can activate it in any position...toe down or heel down makes no differance..
I tried to take pictures, but all that crome messes with my camera's focus... >:( now..if only it could sound like my old crybaby...I guess trying different pot's and coils...