Use for a phototransistor in DIY effects?

Started by Cardboard Tube Samurai, August 17, 2008, 06:22:20 AM

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Cardboard Tube Samurai

I just purchased a light/flash meter (for photography) from a junk shop because it's the right size and shape to build an effect in and it's a cool looking box (cheap too!). I stripped it down and got some BC108s and a couple of trim pots but there's also a phototransistor. The part number came off with the glue that was holding it in place, but from the few that I have researched, I've got the distinct impression that I might actually be able to incorporate it into some kind of light sensitive/activated/controllable gain stage in an overdrive/fuzz of some description. Does this sound like a feasable task? If so, do you have any suggestions? Would it be more suitable to a wah? Or a delay? Trem? Tell me if you think I'm crazy too


I would imagine that it could be used with an LED to make an optocoupler for use in a trem. I seem to remember people doing similar things before.
"If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut"  Words of Albert Einstein


the bioxinic expandora use a phototransistor, check the schématic. :icon_biggrin:

The Tone God

Do a search for Thunder Alley. It is a fuzz face variant that uses photo transistors.
