Love for the Op-Amp MUFF FUZZ?

Started by Rodgre, June 04, 2008, 04:39:13 PM

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My *first ever pedal was an early-80s E-H Muff Fuzz in the little black/orange lettering box. I still have it somewhere, though I seem to recall the guts of it ended up in a box full of parts somewhere.

Last night, to relax after a long day at the studio, I built one up for fun. I brought it out to the studio today and I already did a guitar solo with a Tele Custom through a Deluxe and it sounded great.

I know it's as simple and basic as they come, and op-amp fuzzes usually take a back seat to hip discrete transistor circuits, but I dunno.... I really dig the way this is sounding today.

I wonder if it's worth wiring up a gain control on it, or is it just best the way it is? Anyone else have any fun with this circuit?


* don't hate me, but my 2nd ever pedal was a Script Phase 90 for $40, and my 3rd was a black Foxx Fuzz-Wah branded for sale at Sears department store that I bought from my guitar teacher for $25. I think #4 was my Arion Chorus. I was a lucky little kid, I tell ya.


+1 here.  It was my first op amp experimental project.  I use a 470K resisstor in parallel to the diodes.  Check out the Mockman at ROG for a similar circuit and Gus did some nice mods to it.  ;)
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


Stomping Out Sparks & Flames