Red Llama build questions!

Started by umcoo, June 06, 2008, 11:08:12 AM

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Hello everyone,

For my first build I am looking at cloning a Red Llama.  I will be using the Tonepad pcb, but before I begin, I have a few questions..

1)  I will get a pre-painted enclosure, but want to add graphics with a paint pen.  Will the finish be ok if I just clear coat over it, even though it's pre-painted?

2)  I had a bit of trouble location the diode (1N4004) , but found somewhere local.  However, the diode says 1N4004S.  Is this the same thing, or shall I look for a definate 1N4004?

3)  Looking at pots, what's the usage for 16mm and 24mm, and which ones shall I need for the volume and gain pots?

4)  I believe I need a stereo and mono jack for the input and output.  But which one goes where? I.e. stereo/input??

I'm sure these questions are very easy, but as it's my first build I'm doing my research like a good boy!

Thanks everyone


2. the diode is for protection as can be found in the  DIY FAQ (top left corner of your screen)
The diode type is not that critical.

3. The physical size depends only on how much space you have in your enclosure. They perform identically.

4. The answer can found in the DIY FAQ (top left corner of your screen)

Good luck with the Red Llama!


Thanks Mr Jacobs,

Bump for anyone else!