Silkscreen in Eagle

Started by Serge, June 16, 2008, 07:30:54 AM

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Can someone explain me how you can see the silkscreen in Eagle?  Is the silkscreen one particular layer or a combination (or do you need to let the pcb manufacturer which layers should appear as silkscreen)?  For instance, I would like to see parts placement, names and text (but not parts values etc.).  Also, are there any tricks to move the placement of the name of the part when they overlap (other than rotating the part)?


To remove parts values, go to:

View-Display/Hide Layers

and unselect tValues and bValues layers and you will not see them anymore (They're still there though)

To move the parts name separately from the parts placement, you use the "Smash" tool from the menu bar on the left. You Smash the part which you want to separate, and the part designation then becomes movable on its own.  It can move, rotate, etc.

Silkscreen depends on what kind of CAM processing job you use to output the board files for manufacture.  I use the one from Spark Fun Electronics and the silksceen comes out as the parts placement and parts names (or that's how I have it set anyway).

regards, Jack