HoT Fuzz Pro question

Started by esurreal, June 10, 2008, 03:19:08 AM

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Hi. I have built the circuit part of the hot fuzz pro onto perfboard. I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to wire the pots onto the board. For instance, does the 50k tone pot get wired to a point where the .47uf, .022uf, and .1uf all meet?

Also the 22uf polarized cap is connected to the 5k pot and the ground, how does this work exactly?

Where does the 5k trimpot ground to?

How does the 500k pot connect to the 10k resistor, ground, and .o1uf? Is it just one point where everything joins?

Thanks for any help, this is my second build. I've learned so much from this site, but I can't seem to find the answers to these questions. :icon_wink:

schematic -


>does the 50k tone pot get wired to a point where the .47uf, .022uf, and .1uf all meet?

Yes, the .47uF goes to the middle (wiper) and the .1uF and .022uF go to outer lugs.

Check out the FAQ - it shows you have to wire the pots.

Pots have 3 lugs, that's why you see 3 points where they can connect.


Thanks Aron. Great site! That makes sense. So for the 500k pot the .01uf goes to the outer lug, the 100k resistor to the wiper, and then a cut off lead going from the ground to outer lug?

The 22uf goes from ground to the wiper of the 5k pot?



OK, I see what you are asking. No, use wires to run from the board to the contact points. Take a look at the beginner project to see how I connect wires to the board.

Check out this topic:


Thanks Aron, i actually built the beginner project a couple of weeks ago. It works beautifully....I just need some repetition/practice to memorize all the steps and things. Your first reply was all i needed to figure out the wiring. Thanks a ton! One last thing, is the 500k pot a volume pot? If so, should i use an audio taper rather than a linear one? Could you let me what the first two pots do, obviously the tone pot doesn't need an explanation.  :icon_wink: thanks



You can use audio taper if you want. I used linear on mine. Good luck!!


Thanks for your help Aron. I boxed it up last night. Sounds great! I've been needing a good fuzz for a while now. I used a j202 instead of the j201. If I find a j201 I'll sub it in, but the j202 sounds good. It's weird how much louder the j202 is over a mpf102 or 2n5457. I tried those as well, but the volume dropped a bit whereas the j202 was pumping sweet fuzz volume. The mpf102 had a very smooth sound to though. Anyways, thanks again....back on the prowl to find more pedals to build. :icon_cool:
