Which fuzz is very cheesy/spreaded?

Started by gigimarga, June 29, 2008, 02:27:01 AM

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I want to build a very cheesy fuzz, but i don't know which.
I've built a Maestro FZ-1S from GGG and i like it a lot, but i want something with a more "spreaded" sound.

Thx a lot!


Well, it all depends, what kind of cracker will you be spreading the cheese-fuzz on?




Sorry for my english, but i think that i hadn't a good ideea to say "cheesy"...i want a fuzz from the 60's which don't have a tight sound (like a big muff)...i want to have a lot of harmonics...


cheesy is a normal word these days here in america so dont sweat it. its the "spreaded" description im tryin to figure out. anyway, my fender blender would fit the cheesy description or maybe any mis-biased fuzz might be worth a try.


  Tune the octave out of the octave to some extent.
  Green Ringer...makes all kinda wierd tones 'with' [kinda needs the 'other' circuit], sounds like swiss cheese by itself, and doesn't really 'spread' until it gets hotter.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


The usual suspects.

Mosrite Fuzzrite.
Orpheum Fuzz.
Shin-ei FY2 and variants.
Jordan Bosstone.

I`ve been on a quest to nail the Davie Allan signature sound recently and, so far, of the ones I`ve built, the Fuzzrite, perhaps not unsurprisingly, comes closest. Cheesy as you like.


yeah Davie def sounds like a Fuzzrite.  i think he now plays a Rat though. ???


While conducting extensive research into Davie Allan ( or, scratching my ass in front of the computer, as my Girlfriend calls it) I found a recent interview with Allan where he states that his first Fuzz was an unnamed Gibson model. FZ-1? He later endorsed the Mosrite Fuzzrite but he goes on to say that his current set-up features, of all things, and rather disappointingly, a Tubescreamer  ???.


Here`s the interview for anyone interested. He does mention using a ProCo Rat and also his influence on some guy called Eddie Van Halen.



gigi, i think the word you are after is: "Spongy" or "Muffled",
i've seen some reputedly spongy fuzzes in here, just search on these terms


Thx all...i've learned that "spongy" is not the same as "cheesy" in english (in romanian it's enough close...)

For what you recommended to me, i think that Superfuzz it's closest, but i like the Jordan Bosstone too...i've built Mosrite/Shin-Ey sometime ago and i didn't like it anymore...too thin...like the sound of a mosquito  :D...but i made happy a bass player when i gave both to him...