jimi hendrix octave fuzz?

Started by awitee, July 12, 2008, 08:21:51 AM

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does anyone have a schematic and layout for thus effect? cant seem to find one, i tried searching everywhere
all the fuzzes i found had volume and gain controls while this one has volume and tone
any info for a diy version of this pedal would be greatly appreciated, thx


never used it : I had the Octavia.
Master Learner


I think the Tycobrahe would get you close to Jimi's sound than the new MXR you posted. Give it a try.



i was planing on the RMoctavia which is said to be wat hendrix used, is it close?


Mayer designed the earliest version of the Tychobrahe which is what Hendrix used.  The later Octavia is a different circuit that has slightly less octave but is slightly cheaper to build, which I suspect is why Mayer changed the design.  There is a Octavia Vision series that has a tone control.  AFAIK no one has seen the guts yet.

The pedal you originally asked about is an opamp based octave fuzz that sounds pretty good, but is fairly complicated and doesn't generate a great octave.  It is pretty good as a fuzz however.  The Tone knob you mention is just a fuzz control.

You would be better off building a Tychobrahe, Foxx Tone Machine, or even a Scrambler.  All three are classics.


The Foxx Tone Machine is being made again. Looks cool.


Yeah, the remakes even have fuzz on the outside of the case!


cool,  thx for the suggestions