big muff volume problem. weird tone stuff. NEW VERO INSIDE!

Started by nokaster, May 13, 2008, 02:14:35 PM

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so after reading about big muffs and their clones for a few hours, i decided i wanted to understand what each component does and layout my own vero.

after the vero layout was done i started building my muff with it.
i was done building an hour ago and i started testing it.

i love how it sounds, especially with the tone all the way bassy with max gain and some more treble with less gain.

BUT! i can't get a decent volume out of it. it never gets to unity...
AND! tone fully bass is louder than when I turn the pot treble-wise...

all seems to work, but volume and tone control aren't A-OK...
i tried some 300hfe-ish BC549's and then some 680hfe-ish 2N5088's.
more hfe gain doesn't equal more volume... another lesson learned.
i liked the BC549's better by the way.

so here is the layout and the BOM.
maybe some big muff lover(s) are willing to take a look at it and can tell me where I went wrong...?

i'm hoping for some reactions on this one.
and when the layout should need debugging and is debugged, i'm glad to share it with everyone here.
there aren't to many vero's out there for the big muff i think.

board = 19 strips x 19 holes
17 cuts
5 bridges
4 transistor sockets

Capacitors     C10, C12, C11   470pF         3       
Capacitors     C2, C3, C1, C4  100nF         4       
Capacitors     C6, C5, C7, C13 220nF         4       
Capacitors     C8              10nF          1       
Capacitors     C9              4.7nF         1       
Capacitors     CX              47pF          1       
Capacitors     Ca              100uF         1       
Capacitors     Crfi            100pF         1       

Diodes         D1, D2, D3, D4  1n914         4       
Diodes         Da              1N4001        1       

Resistors      R1              820R          1       
Resistors      R13, R11        18k           2       
Resistors      R16, R22, R10   120R          3       
Resistors      R17, R9, R15    470k          3       
Resistors      R18             10k           1       
Resistors      R20             56k           1       
Resistors      R3, R14, R21    100k          3       
Resistors      R5, R8, R2      33k           3       
Resistors      R6, R19, R12    8k2           3       
Resistors      R7              390k          1       
Resistors      RLED            1k            1       
Resistors      RX, R4          2k7           2       
Resistors      Ra              1M5           1       

4 NPN transistors


forgot to mention the pots...

Sustain = 100kA
Volume = 100kA
Tone = 100kB



no reactions yet, so i thought i'd post my voltages with the 2N5088's

supply = 8.98V

C = 3.68
B = 0.59
E = 0.03

C = 5.94
B = 0.59
E = 0.03

C = 3.7
B = 0.59
E = 0.03

C = 2.23
B = 2.23
E = 1.65


just found a tiny bit of solder bridging 2 strips that shouldn't be bridged... (Q4 B&E)
removed that bit of solder and now the voltages on Q4 are these:
C 4.17
B 1.63
E 1.18

with the BC549's these are the voltages:

supply = 8.98V

C = 4.08
B = 0.61
E = 0.03

C = 6.36
B = 0.61
E = 0.03

C = 4.07
B = 0.61
E = 0.03

C = 4.57
B = 1.57
E = 1.07

in an hour or so i'll be able to test drive again!


cool vero layout.
if you have the chance try some BC239 in it! i thry 'em in mine and i think they sound a lot better than BC549


Quote from: Gila_Crisis on May 14, 2008, 07:02:04 AM
cool vero layout.
if you have the chance try some BC239 in it! i thry 'em in mine and i think they sound a lot better than BC549

thx for the compliment!
the layout is now fully verified and working.
and i will try some bc239. i even have some at hand!


i was browsing through the recent part of the picture thread and saw a few big muffs build with my layout!
made me proud that people are using it, but i'd love to hear some comments and results!

i love the "spaghetti muff" in the picture thread, which was i think build with my layout.
it's the one that switches between ram and triangle. lovely!


since we can't edit messages nor titles, i will repeat once more...


thx  :icon_mrgreen: