do i have a short in this situation? weird grounding issue...

Started by caress, September 06, 2008, 06:52:44 PM

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do you think there's a short here?  i'm building a fuzz face variant and when i can't seem to get the volume fully attenuated.  even when i connect ground directly to the input i still hear a little tiny bit of sound...  is this normal?  i've double checked all of my soldering and gone through and touched everythng up - it all looks ok to me...

oh yeah, it's negative ground NPN with NPN transistors, FYI.


A potentiometer is a resistor, not a complete switch. Meaning that a tiny bit of signal is always going to come out, because there will be a huge resistance to the output, and a tiny resistance to ground, but still a bit of signal will run through the huge resistance because it's simply a resistor, it's still connected. To completely kill all the sound, you'd have to actually completely disconnect the connection from lug 2, for example through a switch. Though maybe you can use the output to use a transistor to switch on and off, I don't know, try to come up with something.


well, in the end i figured it out... it was something pretty dumb.  sorry about another topic thrown up in haste...  :P

forgot to add that it was connected to another portion of the circuit which was supposed to be grounded but also was missing a ground connection.  brain fart...