Please help me disect the SC Reverb circuit

Started by mth5044, September 30, 2008, 12:23:16 PM

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That is the simple schematic, the one I am using uses a charge pump, but that doesnt matter, this one is just a bit less cluttered.
annnd the schematic

As recommended by Ben N and Mark Hammer, I'm going to put a compressor, a 2pole hipass filter and a tonestack on just the wet singal for the most controlled reverb signal (ever?).

From what I learned from them, the compresser and highpass filter will be going after the input buffer and the tonestack will go right after the dwell pot on the second lug of it.

I'll be using the orange compressor (with trim pots on the pcb, so only an on/off switch) and a basic 2pole highpass filter. The tonestack is going to be the tonemender as it has buffers to keep the singal degridation down. The schematics arent as necessary for those as it is basically on in and out, the rest is self explanitory.

So what I really need to know is where exactly on the reverb PCB will I be soldering the in from the compressor and the out of the highpass filter back to the PCB?

Thanks for your help.


I think you can use the D pad. Desolder the wire running to it from the potentiometer and feed that to compressor. Then take the output from your filet and feed that to pad D. Make sure to balance the output of your circuit to match that of the reverd recovery stage, as you may have too much wet sound.


Wouldn't that effect the signal after it comes out of the reverb tank? I want to compress and have the highpass filter on the wet signal before it goes to the reverb tank.

That point on pad D is where the tonestack will go, so it affects the wet signal after it has passed through the reverb tank

So where does the comp and highpass go so it will be before the reverb tank, but only effect the wet signal?



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